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Having a chronic illness definitely makes life harder. I'm assuming that, like me, you don't have the resources to hire a full-time nanny, chef, housekeeper, personal assistant, etc. either. So, until I win the lottery (which will probably be tricky to do as I don't even play the lottery), I will have to go on finding products that work for me to make my life with a chronic illness easier.
Here's what I've come up with so far. Some are things I already use, some are on my wishlist (my birthday's in May if anyone wants to just go ahead and buy me everything on my wishlist! Hey, doesn't hurt to try, right?!?) and some are highly recommended by other spoonies. Feel free to add your own suggestions in the comment section!
1. Roomba
My floors rarely get vacuumed because I can't handle pushing the vacuum for more than a few minutes now. That's why a Roomba is pretty high up on my wish list right now.
Stirring things when I cook or bake is hard. Seriously. The last time I tried to hand stir cookie dough, I ended up hurting my shoulder and my wrist. The B&B I used to work at had a Kitchen Aid mixer, and I miss it so much!
My sister got me one of these and it's AMAZING! Just set it on top of the can, push the button, and let it go to work.
4. Baby wipes
Even after my youngest is potty trained, I will still buy baby wipes! They're great for quick clean ups, both for me and the kids.
5. Dry shampoo
This stuff is great for those days when you don't even have enough spoons to take a shower.
6. Shower chair
Showers and bathtubs can be slippery. Rather than risking a fall, use a shower chair.
7. Crockpot
Just throw everything into the crockpot and turn it on. I have one, but the lid broke so this is back on my wishlist!
Okay, so this isn't actually a product, but it's a service that has made my life SO much easier. Rather than having to lug stuff home from the store like toilet paper and snacks. I just add them to my Amazon subscriptions, and Amazon sends them to me on whatever schedule I set up.
Use the grabber to pick things up off the floor or grab things from up high.
10. Heat packs
You can go the DIY route with these no-sew rice sacks or buy one. With 5 people with EDS in our family, we have a whole basket of these things at our house, and they get used ALL the time!
11. Travel mugs
On my bad days, I tend to drop a lot of things. A travel mug keeps water, tea, etc. from spilling when I inevitably drop it.
12. Heated blanket
I tend to overheat, but a lot of people with chronic conditions just can't get warm. A heated blanket is the way to go if you have that problem.
13. Post-It Notes
Brain fog...need I say more? Post It notes are great for leaving yourself notes and reminders anywhere in the house.
14. Parchment paper
Scrubbing pans is not always easy for me, which is why I ALWAYS have parchment paper on hand. Line your pans with it before you bake something and it makes clean up super easy, plus it keeps things from sticking.
I don't use these all the time, but I always keep a stash in the cupboard for those days when I'm low on spoons.
16. Folding Cane
I have one of these that I keep in my purse or in my minivan and another that I keep at home for when my legs decide that they don't want to work all that great.
I don't have one of these, but I know a lot of spoonies who've said that the Echo made their lives a lot easier.
Since vacuuming is hard with the upright vacuum, I use my handheld vacuum to spot clean and vacuum up messes.
I use my pizza cutter wheel to cut up lots more than just pizza. It's especially great for cutting up food for the kids.
Hubby isn't always around to open jars for me which is why one of these is a great idea.
Yeah, I know this seems crazy, but how much easier would it be to spread butter with a heated butter knife?!?
22. Lock laces
I usually just wear slip-ons, but for shoes with laces, these make it easy to tie them.
23. Toilet light
For those late night bathroom visits where you're afraid to turn on the light for fear of burning your exhausted retinas, there's a toilet light to ensure that you don't trip on your way to the toilet and give yourself a concussion.
24. Tile
Brain fog again! Where did I put my keys this time?!? This is where the tile comes tracks anything you stick it to.
25. Lap tray
Spoonies tend to spend a lot of time in bed or on the couch. A lap tray helps you stay as productive as possible (I'm using one right now!)
27. Medical Binder Printables
I actually designed this myself to help make it easier to organize all of my family's medical stuff. It's available in the Sunshine and Spoons shop.
I actually designed this myself to help make it easier to organize all of my family's medical stuff. It's available in the Sunshine and Spoons shop.
You warn people so they leave you alone. :) A sense of humor is also a great thing to have when you have a chronic illness.
29. Pregnancy Pillow
These aren't just for pregnant women! They also work great to support aching joints and muscles.
30. Planner
You can use the one in your phone, but you may want to use an actual paper calendar book to keep track of your schedule of doctor appointments. You can find some really cute medical themed stickers for your planner on Etsy.

31. Cooling towel
I have a whole box full of cooling products, but the cooling towel is the most versatile.

My favorite tablet is the Samsung Galaxy. It's easy to bring along to doctors' appointments or hospitals and can help fill the time when you're stuck in bed.

My rollator has been a lifesaver on days when my legs are less than helpful with the whole walking and staying upright thing. The seat is my favorite part because it allows me to sit down and rest when I need to even if there isn't anywhere to sit nearby.

I have a whole box full of cooling products, but the cooling towel is the most versatile.

32. Tablet My favorite tablet is the Samsung Galaxy. It's easy to bring along to doctors' appointments or hospitals and can help fill the time when you're stuck in bed.

33. RollatorMy rollator has been a lifesaver on days when my legs are less than helpful with the whole walking and staying upright thing. The seat is my favorite part because it allows me to sit down and rest when I need to even if there isn't anywhere to sit nearby.

It's a cane, but has a seat too so it's great for when you need a little extra support and a place to sit down.
Great list! I have become totally addicted to my Roomba and don't know what I would do without it. I hope you can get one soon! One thing I would consider adding is a bidet. I recently bought a bidet attachment for my toilet, it was $50 on Amazon, and not having to reach around and clean myself has really helped with my neck pain.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good idea! Thanks!
DeleteI like this Hannah! I have shared your link on my regular PainPals feature "Monday Magic - Inspiring Blogs for You!" Claire x
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing!
DeleteThese ideas seem to be about advertising products that really do little to help.
ReplyDeleteI personally use many of these things and they do help make things easier in dealing with a chronic illness. The others were highly recommended by other spoonies that I know. I do use affiliate links as I put a lot of time and money into running this blog and would like to get a little something out of it. However, using affiliate links on my blog only earn around $2 a month so I'm definitely not getting rich off of this!
DeleteThanks for stopping by!
I have the kitchen aide mixer. I was given it as as christmas gift several years ago and it has saved my butt. I can't eat mixes and make everything from scratch so... it is amazing. Also, my dutch oven. I can just toss meats in the oven and let them go for hours and then I have meals ready for the week.
ReplyDeleteOK, I had no idea electric jar openers were a thing until I read this. I am now ordering one immediately! I'm partially paralyzed on my right side and also have arthritis, so grip strength is next to nothing. Thank you so much for the tip! I'm repinning this and subscribing to your blog. :)
ReplyDeleteI had never heard of them either until my sister gave me one. I don't know how I survived without one now!
DeleteI use several of these and see a few I would like to get myself I would also recommend the automatic peeler it has saved my hands a lot of stress.
ReplyDeleteI have Post Polio Syndrome, and a lot of these things will be helpful. I'm looking into that cooling towel, especially. Thanks for the list!
ReplyDeleteWe have a eufy instead of a roomba. She does a great job if keeping the floors clean! You do still have to pick up though, or she will get caught/choke on things.
ReplyDeleteDear Hannah, I find there are 2 kinds of grabbers. Some are made for the disabled and um... I find the ones made for landscape maintenance workers are better. Stronger, better built. We got one at Home Depot for just a few dollars more than the other kind. Also I have a small, 1 gallon shop-vac and it out performs any handheld I've had. It makes cleaning easier. I can also be used on wet spills which is nice when you need it. I also find grippers mats helpful. they keep things from sliding around on my counter tops. Less struggle, less spoons. Mrs. K.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tips! I hadn't even thought of using commercial type products instead of the basic ones! So smart!